

We, WaninaruWa, are a volunteer group based in Orange County, California. Thriving to create a community of help each other with what one is gifted or better at than the other. No Pressure, Yes Pleasure.


  • Regain the societies where people can help each other rather than hate each other
  • Living environment where there is trust between friends and families
  • Community where people share their experties to others in need without any expectations or money


  • Get circles bigger and create the Community
  • Help each other, regain the Connection
  • Help others to be able to contribute with what one can do, Share joyful moments
  • Help find out being needed is a joy of life

WaninaruWa Leadership


Costa Mesa, CA

He is the one of co-founder of WaninaruWa. He likes spreading positive energy and help others.


Irvine, CA

He loves helping others. Always thinks of how to help other before thinking about what to eat. Can get along with anybody with Yuimaaru of Okinawa spirit.


Costa Mesa, CA

Kayo has a fantastic leadership skill as well as ability to follow through what she says she is going to do. Clearly super-doer rather than talker.
